About us

In the world of Magic: The Gathering, the Commander format is one of the most popular ways to play the game. EDH Power Calculator is a website dedicated to helping Magic players build better Commander decks by analyzing the power level of their decks. The website is the brainchild of Harrison Byrne, a passionate Magic player who saw a need for a better way to calculate the power level of Commander decks. In this article, we will explore Harrison Byrne’s background and the story behind EDH Power Calculator.

Who is Harrison Byrne?

Harrison Byrne is a Magic player from the United States who has been playing the game since 2005. He is a self-taught programmer who has always had a passion for creating things. Lewis started his programming journey by building websites for small businesses and individuals. Over time, he became more interested in building websites that could help people, and that is how he came up with the idea for EDH Power Calculator.

The Inspiration behind EDH Power Calculator

The inspiration for EDH Power Calculator came from Lewis’s own experience playing Commander. He noticed that the way players determined the power level of their decks was flawed. Players would often rely on their own subjective opinions, which could lead to misunderstandings and confusion. Lewis realized that there needed to be a better way to calculate the power level of Commander decks.

How EDH Power Calculator Works

EDH Power Calculator is a website that uses a sophisticated algorithm to determine the power level of Commander decks. The website takes into account the cards in the deck, the synergy between the cards, and the overall strategy.

Features of EDH Power Calculator

EDH Power Calculator has a number of features that make it a valuable resource for Magic players. Some of these features include:

Deck Analyzer

EDH Power Calculator’s deck analyzer is the heart of the website. It allows players to upload their decklists and receive a power-level rating. The rating is based on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. The rating is determined by analyzing the cards in the deck, the synergy between the cards, and the overall strategy of the deck.

Card Search

The website also has a powerful card search feature that allows players to search for cards by name, color, type, and more. This makes it easy for players to find the cards they need to build their decks.

Strategy Articles

In addition to the deck analyzer and card search features, EDH Power Calculator also has a number of strategy articles that provide tips and advice for building better Commander decks. These articles cover topics like mana base construction, card evaluation, and more.

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